Who I am.....

I am Sheldon(Sheltanic) and I run the Warhammer 40K Wednesdays at GAMEBUSTERS store in Granite City Illinois, (suburb of St. Louis). These are my Battle Reports, Musings, funnies, and random tidbits of info I find relevant or not, all about Warhammer 40K.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

C'mon GW!! what in the world is the deal??

I have looked at it objectively as a business, I've looked at it passionately as a fan.  Weighing the facts and the rebuttles, and trying to make sense of why Blogs are being shut down...  BOLs and Faeit212 respectively...  and I just can't wrap my head around the fact that blogs are the "gaming community", by and for, and to shut them down based on rumours and leaks, is absurd. You really want to shake shit up? CHANGE THE COVER or put out some info that's different than what leaked out.

I digress...  I refuse to stop playing, I have been a fan of 40K since 98, I have choosen the fantasy universe of 40K over Star Wars and Star Trek, not to mention Lord of the Rings, as my 'go to' fantasy universe.

In effect, no, I will not stop playing or reading about it just because you have gone "lawsuit crazy" over your Intellectual Property.  I will not let your playground bully tactics dictate my hobby, I even bit my tongue and hung in there through the many unnecessary(in my opinion) price hikes, previous IP suits against the companies who sell alternative figs, the background changes in continuity (Squats and Necrons anyone?)....  I will not sacrifice my passion to prove my point.  Am I still a GW bitch??  probably not...  but I will continue to play, continue to Blog and continue to BITCH until you get shit right!!!

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