Who I am.....

I am Sheldon(Sheltanic) and I run the Warhammer 40K Wednesdays at GAMEBUSTERS store in Granite City Illinois, (suburb of St. Louis). These are my Battle Reports, Musings, funnies, and random tidbits of info I find relevant or not, all about Warhammer 40K.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Most important rule

I've been religiously listening to FORGE THE NARRATIVE podcast, and after some discussion about competitive play, and a rules debate this evening during our game club night, that we discovered our group had pretty essentially been doing our assault phase slightly out of sequence.  After said discovery, we all had a good laugh and agreed on terms of dealing with the faux pas.   

Coming to the realization that we were still under the guide of the most important rule, and that we think even though we had been doing this phase wrong almost all of sixth ed. It wasn't enough of a deal that we couldn't or wouldn't let it affect our games.   

Assuredly we will still have nights where the rule books get more attention than dice, we won't loose sight of how important it is that we enjoy hanging out, socializing, and last but not least, the game.

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