Who I am.....

I am Sheldon(Sheltanic) and I run the Warhammer 40K Wednesdays at GAMEBUSTERS store in Granite City Illinois, (suburb of St. Louis). These are my Battle Reports, Musings, funnies, and random tidbits of info I find relevant or not, all about Warhammer 40K.

Thursday, December 22, 2011


Land Raider Proteus
The origins of the powerful Land Raider tanks of the Space Marines are lost in the dim and mythic Dark Age of Technology, but they were no doubt the product of humanity’s unrestrained science and hungry conquests of the stars. Rediscovered during the early days of the Imperium, Land Raiders swiftly became a mainstay of the Space Marine Legions of the Great Crusade, and although many variants and configurations have been forged anew or found in the dusty silence of dead worlds in the millennia since, few hold the mystery of what the Adeptus Mechanicus refer to as the ‘Proteus’ patterns. This term is given to a number of different configurations which are believed to be among the oldest of their kind, who share the principle feature that as well as being a highly durable, environmentally sealed and well-armed battle tank they contain numerous sophisticated augury systems and cogitator engines, enabling to scan and monitor the events of a battlefield with phenomenal clarity. This has led some to label the pattern as the Land Raider’s progenitor type — intended for the exploration and conquests of new worlds and harsh and unforgiving alien environments. The Proteus Land Raiders however lack the armoured frontal assault ramps and larger troop capacity of the more commonplace Land Raider types, which, along with the difficulty of their reproduction, is likely to have explained their displacement in favour of other patterns during the wars of the Horus Heresy and the dark millennia that have passed since. Although an exceedingly rare sight on the battlefields of the 41st Milienium, the Proteus remains a highly regarded war-relic by those Space Marine Chapters who possess them either through ancient history or as the spoils of war and conquest, both as a command vehicle and as spearhead leader. So to it is within the Eye of Terror, where the Dark Magos strive to maintain what few Land Raider Proteus that the Traitor Legions took into exile with them,
often replacing failing components with devices of fouler invention where needed to keep the tanks battle-worthy.
Land Raider Proteus........................................................................................................................................................................225 points
1 Land Raider Proteus
Vehicle (Tank)
Access Points:
Two access doors (one on each side.)
8 models
Weapons and Equipment
Two sponson-mounted twin-linked lascannons
Searchlight and smoke launchers
Special Ru les
Power of the Machine Spirit/Infernal Device
Explorator Augury Web
A Land Raider Proteus may be further armed with one of the
following hull mounted weapons:
- Twin-linked Heavy Bolter................................................... +15 points
- Twin-Linked Heavy Flamer................................................. +15 points
A Land Raider Proteus may be further armed with one of the
following pintle mounted weapons:
- Storm Bolter (Imperial) or Twin-Linked Bolter (Chaos)..........+5 points
- Heavy Bolter...................................................................... +10 points
- Multi-Melta....................................................................... +10 points
A Land Raider Proteus may also be equipped with:
- Extra Armour..................................................................... +15 points
- Hunter-Killer Missile (Imperial Only)................................... +10 points
- Havoc Launcher (Chaos Only)............................................ +15 points
- Armoured Ceramite...........................................................+20 points
- Dozer Blade.........................................................................+5 points

             BS F   S  R
Proteus  4 14 14 14

A Land Raider Proteus is an Elites Choice in a Space Marines, Chaos
Space Marines, Black Templars, Space Wolves, Blood Angels* or
Dark Angels army.
*Note that in a Blood Angels army, the Land Raider Proteus may
not Deep Strike as other Blood Angels Land Raiders may.

Armoured Ceramite: Melta weapons do not gain their usual extra D6
armour penetration against vehicles with this upgrade.
Power of the Machine Spirit (Imperial)/Infernal Device (Chaos): A
Land Raider can fire one more weapon that would normally be permitted
based upon its movement speed; this weapon may be fired at a separate
target if desired. A Land Raider may also fire a single weapon even if it
has suffered a Crew Shaken or Crew Stunned result that turn.
Explorator Augury Web: The sophisticated scanners and
cognis-interpreters built into the structure of the Proteus are all but
un-replicable devices that likely far pre-date the Age of the Imperium.
On the battlefield these augurs can be used both to scan enemy
positions in extraordinary detail, allowing enemy movements to be
thwarted, or reinforcements to be called in with uncanny accuracy.
While the Proteus is on the table, at the start of any of the owning
player’s turn, before any reserve rolls are made they may declare than
the Proteus’s auguries are being used in Disruption or Relay modes, their
effect lasting until the their next player turn.
Disruption Mode: The opposing force suffers a -1 to their reserve
Relay Mode: The owning player’s Reserve rolls may be re-rolled
(whether failed or successful!) if they wish.
In addition, enemy units using the Infiltrator rule to deploy may not be
placed within 24” of a Land Raider Proteus which itself has already been
deployed (This has no other effect on the deployment of enemy units).
Special Note: Please note that unlike most other Land Raiders, the
Proteus does not have the Assault Vehicle rule, nor does it have a
forward ramp.

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