Who I am.....

I am Sheldon(Sheltanic) and I run the Warhammer 40K Wednesdays at GAMEBUSTERS store in Granite City Illinois, (suburb of St. Louis). These are my Battle Reports, Musings, funnies, and random tidbits of info I find relevant or not, all about Warhammer 40K.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Unwritten Rules of Tabletop 40K Gaming (Now Written)

The Unwritten Rules of Tabletop 40K Gaming (Now Written)

  1. Do not wait until your turn to start planning movements. Most tabletop games can last anywhere from 3 to 6 hours. Spending even an extra 5 mins during your turn can really add up. 
  2. Don’t touch another players’ dice. Tabletop gamers have a tendency to be protective and superstitious about their dice. Even if given the OK angry players will claim you cursed their dice by using all the good rolls. Come prepared, if you are playing swarm armies bring adequate amounts of dice. 
  3. Don’t be a douche about line of site rules, you know who you are. If you are the type of guy that pulls out his laser pointer every time you try to line up shots, this gives the opposing player good reason to go Half-life on your head with a crowbar. (This goes especially for you Tau Players!)
  4. Never pick up another players’ models without permission. Players spend a lot of time on their armies with expansive paint jobs and modifications. Even if it isn’t your fault loss of a body part can quickly devolve a game into petty arguing.
  5. Don’t give up even when your defeat is inevitable. Some players quit as soon as they assume they are going to lose, this takes the fun away from the game for both players. Play the game though, the idea is to have fun, winning is cool but not exactly necessary. 

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