Who I am.....

I am Sheldon(Sheltanic) and I run the Warhammer 40K Wednesdays at GAMEBUSTERS store in Granite City Illinois, (suburb of St. Louis). These are my Battle Reports, Musings, funnies, and random tidbits of info I find relevant or not, all about Warhammer 40K.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Before game: Tell them the deployment line and team people up properly. Place the HQs as needed. Tell them on a 5+ a full dead unit comes back as if in reserves. It deepstrikes and can not take advantage of Icons or Becons, They must scatter. Tell them of the fact that Death Worlds rules are being used.

Turn Two: Drop in a Necron Monolith. It lands in the middle of the battlefield.

Turn Three: Let the teams side HQs fight for the Pluage Reapper. After the fight all but the winning HQ Deep Strike under there owner's side.

Turn Four: The Eatter of Galaxies flys in and starts attacking from the right side.
(BS:5, WS:6, A:4, F:13, S:13, B:13, Hull points 10. He can fire on 3 units per turn. Breath of the End: S7 AP3 24 In. large template. Two Lighting Claws with Rending.)

Turn Six: Every player weapon gets Twin-Linked and Fleshbane. EVERY weapon.

                      The God's favour
Roll 2D6 to see what Cegoroch has in store.

2:Acid falls from the sky and every unit takes a strangth 2 AP5 hit.  (If a unit is in a open toped transport it still takes the hit.)

4:Slaanesh Deamon's invade the battlefield and attack the closest unit(roll 2D6 for number). The battlefeild will be devided up into 6 and sections roll a D6. They will be placed in the middle of the rolled section. (They stay for one player turn then dissolve.)
(Slaanesh Deamon's=WS:4, BS:0, S:3, T:3, W:1, I:6, A:3, Ld:10, Sv:5+)
(Rules: Rending claws, Aura of Acquiescence, Deamon, Fleet.)

6:A 12 in. wall of fire spews from the ground (placement picked by the God then rolls 2D6 plus scatter). Anything within 2 inches of the wall will take a strangth 4 AP4 hit. If placed within range of a assuilt, the assuilt brakes and damage is dealt.

8:One squad of the roller's choice gets Furious Charge untill end of turn. If all squads have Furious Charge then they get Fleet.
(Furious Charge: When a model charges, they get +1 to there strength)
(Fleet: A model can reroll there running or charging roll but can not do both.)

 10:The roller gets to pick one squad's CC weapons or guns to have Fleshbane untill the end of turn.
(Note: This can not be placed on Vehicles)
(Fleshbane: A unit, weapon, or gun get +2 to wound)

12: One squad of the roller's pick gets Twin-Linked on all of there guns. This includes flame, blast, and large blast templates.
(Twin-Linked: Reroll missed to hit rolls.)

If nothing happens look to the next page. 

When nothing fun happens, use this.
Hello, if you are reading this it means you rolled a odd number! Too bad, better luck next time.

 Turn One: Nothing! Naa I'm just joshin. You failed to get a gift, so you fail 2 rolls! the person and or persons that are trying to kill you get to tell you to re-roll any 2 successful rolls. Look a gift horse in the mouth will you?!
(Note: This means 2 rolls in all not per person.)

Turn Two: You get to hear me sing, not really. No one deserves to hear that. One of your HQs take a S5 AP- hit. You get to pick witch one you want to hurt. No gane, so hears PAIN!
(Note: The person that failed the roll has to pick his/her own HQ.)

Turn Three: Uh oh! A bit of the warp leeked into your squad leader.  (Aspiring Champ, Sarg, ETC.)
And changed them into a Chaos spawn. This spawn will start attacking your squad.
(Note: If you don't have a squad leater, the model in the middle front of your squad will be change. If there are two, roll a D2.)
(Chaos Spawn= WS 3, BS 0, S 5, T 5, W 3, A 3 +D6, SV 4+)
(These are not of pure chaos so they don't have the special rules.)

Turn Three: Do you have a sinking feeling? That's no feeling, you ARE sinking! The ground has turn to...something pink and foul smelling. All of your  movment is now Slow and Purposeful until end of turn.
(Note: This only counts for the person who failed the roll and lasts for your turn. When dealing with a vehicle roll two D6 and take the two higher dice)

Turn Four: FEAR! RUN IN FEAR! One of your units picked by rolling Dx. (X is the number of units you have. The units will be numbered before rolling.) Will run away by rolling two D6 and going back to your deployment side.

Turn Five: Are you tired? I could go for a nap. A unit and your teammate's unit (if you have one.) Goes prone until the start of your next turn. Use the same system of picking them as you did in the "Turn Four" Part.

Turn Six: Guess what that guy over there said. He said your amor color was UGLY! I (You god for this game.) Will pick a unit and they open fire on the unit next to them.

What? You wanted more? I'm done, tired I tell you. Leave now and lock the door behind you.

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