Who I am.....

I am Sheldon(Sheltanic) and I run the Warhammer 40K Wednesdays at GAMEBUSTERS store in Granite City Illinois, (suburb of St. Louis). These are my Battle Reports, Musings, funnies, and random tidbits of info I find relevant or not, all about Warhammer 40K.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Reuslts for wed Oct 10th
Gamebusters 40K 501 Deathmatch

Ben Cuvar vs. Daniel Woodson

Jhon Rigdon vs. Chris Adams

James Bradford vs. Thomas Evans 

final battle

::James Bradford vs. Chris Adams::

With James Bradford taking the tournament with his



THANKS TO Ben, Daniel, John, Chris, James, and Thomas, for playing, and Gamebusters for Hosting the event. 

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