Who I am.....

I am Sheldon(Sheltanic) and I run the Warhammer 40K Wednesdays at GAMEBUSTERS store in Granite City Illinois, (suburb of St. Louis). These are my Battle Reports, Musings, funnies, and random tidbits of info I find relevant or not, all about Warhammer 40K.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

As paranoid as I was over

6th edition, having seen all the rumors and leaks...  my fears come to rest as I read through the new rule book.  I continue to be surprised and pleased at the rules I have found in the 6th edition.  I wasn't so excited from 4th to 5th, as alot of the story telling and streamlining of the rules were, in my opinion messed with... BUT, for headstrong tournament play.. I could see the need, to attempt to keep the game somewhat balanced. Balancing the story aspect with the mechanics lawyer types becomes quite the chore, quite often leaving the Fluff players for want, if yet for a more even game that has less loopholes for the power players to take advantage of.

WOUND ALLOCATION. The mechanics here put the story telling aspect aforementioned on a great light... for the fact that I name my characters, and give them story backgrounds...  but in the mechanics of the game, it really didn't matter where they were in the squad, now this may seem silly, but it matters now... giving them either the luck to come out unscathed or, the tragedy to be taken out quickly, their story thus ending there....  which in turn, also makes for a more strategy oriented assault phase..  not just dice rolls, numbers and removing those weaker models that suffered from poorer paint jobs from the rear of the battle...  

FLYERS, are another thing... this was an 'apocalypse' mindset rule that was pretty much a house rule in our group anyway, (well for those who either sacrificed, and or afforded the models, or even still converted) so this was an unwritten rule that needed to be added anyway! in my opinion...

ALLIES,  no story driven player will not be ecstatic to dig into this rule!! I will be using it myself to return to my Inquisitor/Space Marine Chapter army from the Daemonhunters Codex!  (which I was sore as hell that they neutered with the Grey Knights Codex). This alone will also allow great story telling through the combinations of armies.... of course, I'm assured that someone will create a broken combo and Fluff players will suffer again.. but until then I will mix and match my 40K buffet of allies.

CHALLENGES. This is an odd angle.... kinda again, seems to me, an adaptation of a house rule, that's made it into the book it seems....  albeit a little more diplomatic than allocating wounds until the two character models stand against each other for the next three turns of attrition...  but it serves to further the Fluff driven narrative that seems to permeate the 6th edition.

If I'm honest, I've unfortunately not yet actually played a 6th rule game yet, but I've been scouring the book, and the net to truly understand what the new rules mean, and so far I'm impressed.  It truly seems as if in this edition may be on target, bear in mind It's still in a sorta 'beta' phase..  tons of errata yet to come I'm sure, but as of now what I've read and my interpretation of it, this is actually the best put together book since 3rd edition.

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