Who I am.....

I am Sheldon(Sheltanic) and I run the Warhammer 40K Wednesdays at GAMEBUSTERS store in Granite City Illinois, (suburb of St. Louis). These are my Battle Reports, Musings, funnies, and random tidbits of info I find relevant or not, all about Warhammer 40K.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

copied from Chronowraith's Corner


Big Changes
So outlined below are the biggest changes in 6th edition to me.  These are changes that have broad implications for all races and how the game is fundamentally played.  I also see many of these as opportunities for Games Workshop to include new units in future books to draw out some cash and expand people's model count.

  • Flyers
    • Flyers offer every army access to something fast and mobile that can lay down a horrendous amount of firepower.  While they are not typically very sturdy vehicles with usually weak armor and low HP count, they are hard to hit. 
  • No assaulting the turn a unit disembarks
    • I think this is the single largest change to the underlying mechanics of Warhammer 40k.  Many units in the past relied on rolling around in their transports and charging straight out of a vehicle.  To clarify, this rule is exactly what is sounds like.  If you disembarked from a vehicle in your movement phase, you can't charge in the assault phase.  This is regardless of how far the vehicle moved or whether it moved at all.  Huge change, and one that makes me rethink all of my current armies.
  • AP3 Power Weapons
    • Gone are the ages where a lowly grunt could pay 10-15 points for a weapon that gave them the ability to shred the galaxies toughest armors.  Since the most common power weapons out there are all AP3, players will have to rebalance their lists to deal with terminators and other 2+ armor units.  Large implications both for list-building as well as tabletop play.
  • Snap Shots
    • Heavy weapons are making a comeback for everyone as now they can shoot at BS1 when moving.  This also plays a role with vehicles as well and will allow all vehicles to lay down a pretty impressive hail of firepower.  While BS1 means only a 12.6% chance of hitting, that is far better than the 0% of previous editions.
  • Wound Allocation
    • Finally a 40k game where wound allocation can't be horribly abused.  Essentially it works like follows.  You allocate wounds to the closest model, until that model is dead, and then move on to the next.  Repeat as needed.  No tricks with allocating one wound to each model before allocating additional wounds, no statements about different wargear.  This does mean that important models better stick to the back of the unit, but, in my opinion, makes the game much richer as now people have to consider where they are placing models WITHIN a unit and not just the units footprint on the board.
  • Hull Points
    • I really love hull points.  One of my chief concerns since I started playing Warhammer 40k, was the reliance on a random chart to determine whether a vehicle was destroyed.  How many times have you played a game where you repeatedly glance that vindicator only to stun/shake them turn after turn?  While it is still possible to do that in 6th edition, vehicles now have hull points.  Glancing or penetrating will reduce the hull points by one while penetrating will allow the shooter to role on the usual vehicle damage chart.  This makes for a much more reliable way to destroy vehicles.  Since vehicles have no problems destroying anti-vehicle infantry (usually) I think this change is for the best.
  • Challenges
    • Despite my enjoyment of tournament play, I do love the narrative elements that GW has added to the new edition of Warhammer 40k.  Nothing better than two heroes squaring off against one another and I love the glorious intervention rule as well that lets other characters take over challenges.  You can either throw a sergeant in to save a weak HQ or vice versa.
  • Scoring Restrictions
    • Vehicles can't contest, units must be outside transports to score or contest.  All of these rules mean that units can't bunker down in their vehicles.  They actually have to *gasp* go outside and fight.  All awesome additions in my opinion.  I hated when people would drive their land raiders on top of an objective and just park there with a full squad of assault termies, Grey Hunters, or whatever.
  • 25% Regroup
    • For non-space marine armies this one is huge.  Nothing was worse than having a giant squad of twenty guardians lose 10 models and then flee off the table.  Being able to regroup all the way down to 25% really helps out the Xenos races quite a bit.
  • Allies
    • The ability to bring in some allies in games will be amazing.  Currently all books out there have weaknesses and allies will allow both fluff players and tourney places some flexibility to their lists.  I know I'm looking forward to working on my Eldar/Dark Eldar lists.  I simply need to figure out which way I want to address this.


Looking Forward
Sixth edition spells some really big changes for the game as outlined above.  But what do these things mean looking forward at future codices and expansions?  I think GW wrote in a number of easter eggs they can exploit when building new books.  There are many changes to unit types that I didn't list above, a new unit type, and several new Universal Special Rules that need to be utilized in the new books.  So here are my predictions.  Some of these are very obvious while others are a little more esoteric.

  • Flyers
    • We've already seen the beginning of this with the Ork and Space Marine flyers being tacked onto older books.  Rumors persist that an Eldar and Tau flyer are due out this fall.  I'm certain that all new army books will possess, at least, a single flyer of sorts.
  • Skyfire
    • Imperial Guard hydras are the only unit int he game with skyfire.  Given the prevelance of flyers in new lists and with more rumored around the corner. I'm certain that most future codices will see some sort of unit that has access to skyfire, even if only as a purchaseable upgrade.
  • Challenge Equipment
    • I think GW will come out with certain items of wargear that are usable only in challenges.  these could be small tricks that reduce incoming attacks, to items that devestate a unit in a challenge, or even items that allow models to escape from a challenge.  I wouldn't want this to be pervasive like it is in Fantasy, but a few items sprinkled here and there would be a nice addition.
  • Assault Vehicles
    • I don't forsee a rapid expansion of assault vehicles but rather a thoughtful plan on bringing assault vehicles to more races.  Currently, one two factions have access to assault vehicles (Imperial Marines, and Chaos Marines).  I can certainly see Eldar, Dark Eldar, and Orks gaining access to assault vehicles of some type.
  • White Dwarf Expansions
    • I'm calling it now.  I think Games Workshop will start to be more proactive with rules.  Rather than wait for a book only 20% of the 40k community will play with, they will revert back to chapter approved articles for small expansions.  I see these addressing all sorts of issues from updating old codices entirely (hopefully better than SoB), to updating older books with new units (like the Eldar Night Spinner and the recent flyer releases), to new allies.  I honestly think that allies would be a great way for Games Workshop to release niche lines that really don't deserve their own book but would sell models (demiurg, hrud, mechanicus, arbites, etc).

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